
We can have hope even when life hurts the most… trouble is coming, that’s the reality. In that trouble we may not have any answers, but we can always have hope, no matter what. That hope is found in the cross of Jesus Christ. The message is not that Christians don’t suffer and die. The message is that those who have put their hope in Jesus have an overcoming Savior. The grave and death are not the end of us.

When the bottom drops out, focus on the cross because… The cross is proof that God loves us. The cross is proof that God doesn’t always change the circumstance. The cross is proof that God has a purpose even in bleak situations. The toughest question isn’t, “Is God good?” But, “will I trust Him in whatever He allows in my life?” The cross is a megaphone for suffering. It was for Jesus. Angels sang when Christ was born. God spoke when He was baptized. The empty tomb was a big anthem. But God spoke the loudest at the cross of Jesus Christ. And we speak loudest to the world when we suffer.

When life hurts most, the world listens intently to our message… When life hurts what message are we going to broadcast to the world?

This site was developed from the DVD presentation “Hope - When Life Hurts Most” featuring Louie Giglio. The DVD was produced by Passion Conferences, a ministry whose stated mission is “to spread the fame of Jesus Christ to the 16+million college students of the US and countless others around the globe.”

Clips from the presentation are available below ...

Part 1 (9:54)
Part 2 (8:31)